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L.A. Free Running. 

Los Angelas, California

The scene opens to Alexander Valentine climping up onto a platform. He prepares to do something when he spots the camera, and a man with a microphone.

Alexander: Can I help you.?

Interviewer: Im here for your promo. This was all set up with your assistant.

Alexander groans and then smiles.

Alexander: Well, I'll cut the promo after some training, so you can just follow me through that if you want.

The interviewer signals for a yes.

Alexander leaps off the platform performing a backflip with a complete rotation, landing on his feet. His knees buckle and he rolls, to brace the landing. Hes back up and runs to the wall performing a run up backflip off of it into a standing full. He runs over to a set of bars and jumps up hanging on to 1. He pulls himself up and stands on the bar. He balances himself and jumps to the other bars, 1 after another. He pulls off the precisions perfect and on the last bar he leaps off performing a corksrew gainer.  He keeps going and kongs over a couple padded stands. He runs to the wall and runs up it. He performs a front flip off the wall. Almost crashi, but is able to land it. He signals that hes finished and smiles as some random people cheer for him.

10 Minutes later. Lounge of the LA Freerunning Center.

Interviewer: Now, Mr. Valentine, so far your 2 and 1 in the XWF, but both of your wins are marred via outside interference. What are your thoughts on that?

Alexander: Excuse me? What are my thoughts on that? What the hell do you think. Im sick and tired of people sticking their nose in my business. Whether it be that Hawiian prick or "Lightning" Lee Ellis, what kind of fucking name is that? Either way, those 2 need to learn and learn quickly, I may not be main eventing, yet. But I am not some amature, and they will do good to stay out of my way.

Interviewer: Ok, so what are your thoughts on your Pink Slip Match this week.

Alexander: Hmm, let me think, Im stuck in a god damn pink slip match with a bunch of wannabes who hardly show up, while some rookie who attacks Bill Blakk gets a friggen main event slot. Is that what I have to do Jon, attack people. Maybe i'll start doing that. Maybe I'll go out and just attack random people..

Interviewer: So would you say that your tired of being over looked, and is that the reason your going into business with Flash Jordon, are you hoping it will take your up the next step.

Alexander: Excuse me? Next step? I don't need a use someone as a stepping stone. Flash and myself are in this together.

Interviewer: Well, with everything ya have done so far, it seems hes the one taking charge.

Alexander: Cause he's the one who discussed it with Jon. Listen, its just as much mine as his. Flash knows what hes doing and he has a plan, so i said for him to go ahead and let it happen. Don't assume Im letting him take charge, hes simply handling this transaction.

Interviewer: Okay, So with both of you vying for the Hart Title, your gonna come into conflict, will this injure your business relationship. Also what are your thoughts concerning the Hart Title and Bill Blakks idea of having a Rafter Match.

Alexander: Sigh, listen, sure, Flash and I will indeed have to wrestle eventually, its simple fact. Can we keep it in the ring, and leave our business relationship out of it? I sure as hell hope so, otherwise, Flash and I will have some issues. As for Bill Blakk and his so called idea, whatever man. Hes the top dog right now, he can say whatever he wants, it wont last long. Somebody is gonna take him down, I dont know when, I dont know how, but it will happen. The rafter match isn a bad idea, I wouldnt be against it. I do very good with heights, plus as you saw, I can handle myself when it comes to balance.

Interviewer: We're almost done here sir, to finish it off would you like to share your thoughts or opinions on your opponents in the pink slip match.

Alexander:Who are they again

Interviewer: Um, lets see, its Tron, "Irish" Sean Thorton, Night Terror, and Jackson Slayter.

Alexander: Hehe, lets see, my thoughts on those nobodies. Hmm, not much to say. Tron is..I don't even know, he hasn't really done anything. As for Lucky Charms, well I already beat him once, so same thing I said then applies here. Hes a drunk with no charisma, I'm not even sure hes actually Irish, I did some background checks on some of the XWF roster, guess what, hes from some shit town in Massachusetts. Night Terror goes in the same catagory as Tron. Some guy who showed up, thought it would be easy, and has since given up all hope, cause its not. Finally we come to Mr. Jackson Slayter, Jackson, Im so sorry about your sister leaving us. She was oh so lovely. It would have been great to take her out, show her that she should be afraid of the world. Then we would go back to my hotel and hide under the covers, if you get my drift. As for you Jackson, what are you exactly. Some jock, some prep, emo? You never made it clear, all I know about you, is that you suck. Oh, if you do see your dear sister. Tell her my door is always open. Now that I cleared that up, I need to say one more thing before I go. To all the wrestlers involed in the pink match, no hard feelings. Im sure you can find another job. Besides, its how things work, either you suceed in this place or you fail and leave. Its simply business.

Interviewer; Well thank you Mr. Valentine. I wish you good luck in your match, and I will bid you farewell.

Alexander: Hey before you go, are you open to see me, lets say Sunday.

Interviewer: I suppose, why?

Alexander: I'd like another interview, lets say at Katana, its this excellent Sushi place in Hacienda Heights, Im sure you can map quest it.

Interviewer: Will do Mr. Valentine, I will let you get back to training

Fade to Black